Keep in touch with your valuable tire
Our dashboard provide you with simple yet complete dashboard.
Total Tire Record
Key Features Chitra Tire System
Here are some of the awesome features of Komplace
Online & Offline System
The Chitra Tire System can be used in both internet-covered and non-internet areas, making data access convenient for users anywhere.
User Friendly
The CTS (Chitra Tire System) interface is straightforward and understandable even for non-experts, making it easy for users to operate the system.
All Recording Data Tire
The CTS (Chitra Tire System) system records all tire data, including inventory, age, performance, and various other data to analyze future tire needs.
Dashboard & Reporting
Our dashboard provides a simple yet comprehensive solution for monitoring and managing your operations with real-time data analysis and an intuitive design.
Tire Rating Classification
Our tire condition classification system simplifies tire repair and rotation scheduling, ultimately extending tire lifespan.
Fast Responsibility
In case of operational issues, our team provides immediate on-site or remote support to ensure minimal disruption to mining operations.
Easy Migration
Our team is here to assist in the migration of data, whether it be done manually, through Excel, or from other systems, all the way to the Chitra Tire System.
Fully Integrate With Other System
If a company has an internal operational management system, CTS can be easily integrated with all existing applications, whether they are on websites or mobile platforms.
Display Chitra Tire System
Here are some of the awesome features of Komplace
Chitra Tire System
Tire Master Data
1.You can register every tire manufacture, size and pattern as you need.
2.Fewer master data means fewer possibility to human error.
Input Data Form
1.Our form maximizing selection to inputing data, this way minimizing error such as typo.
2.Also there are some rule apply in our form :
Can’t submit same SN
Can’t increase RTD
Can’t decrease hour meter
Those are the restrictions in CTS form to prevent error and many more.
3.Interactive and easy to understand design.
Tire Scrap Failure Analysis
Why Analyze Scrap Tires?
Cost Savings: Although scrap tires may appear worthless at first glance, they hold valuable information. Fleet managers can use this data to make informed decisions and optimize tire life, ultimately saving costs.
Maximizing Miles: Analyzing scrap tires reveals critical insights about why tires go out of service. These insights can lead to changes in maintenance procedures, tread depth adjustments, and other countermeasures to extend tire life and reduce running costs.
Preventing Problems: Scrap tire analysis helps prevent issues before they occur.
Gedung TMT 1 5th Floor, Suite 502
Jl. Cilandak KKO No. 1
Jakarta 12560 Indonesia
(021) 29976661
Balikpapan Support Facility Jln. AMD RT.46 /No.69, Kariangau, Kel.Graha Indah Kec. Balikpapan Utara, Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 76126 Indonesia (0542) 7588101
Copyright Chitra Paratama 2024